There are numerous Membership Categories, depending upon your connection to the profession, and the lifecycle stage of your career.
The membership category for CFP(R) and financial planning members is just under $500 annually. This includes $100 to our local chapter.
Clicking on the image below will take you to the national website page describing various membership categories.
You can connect to our local chapter events for no fee by adding yourself to our local contact list.
The Financial Planning Association® (FPA®) is the largest membership organization for CFP® professionals in the U.S. and also includes members who support the financial planning process. Working in alliance with academic leaders, legislative and regulatory bodies, financial services firms and consumer interest organizations, FPA helps connect all in our membership through a variety of unique and compelling ways. FPA members adhere to the highest standards of professional competence, ethical conduct and clear, complete disclosure to those they serve. FPA membership consists of CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERS™, educators, financial services professionals, students and more; FPA is compensation neutral and represents those from diverse backgrounds and business models.