Insurance Ethics

4 hours of interactive Life Insurance Ethics that fly by!

Good People. Bad Things.

Ethical Decision-Making

Course Description

Experience proves that not every person operates at the highest levels of ethical decision-making.  Every few years, some corner of our profession seems to be beset with scandal or ongoing debates about issues rooted in ethical concerns.  Most advisors do not knowingly violate a law or policy.  Instead, many ethical violations occur when an advisor is faced with a difficult choice that requires them to balance competing interests where the right thing to do is not clear.

Course Objectives

We’ll discuss what goes on in someone’s mind that allows them to think they can go undetected while committing a fraudulent act.  What are the common set of thinking errors and patterns that each of us can be susceptible to on a regular basis.  Common ethical dilemmas that advisors face in today’s workplace.

What You Will Learn:

  • Why ethics matter
  • The difference between a compliant-based practice and an ethics-based practice
  • Attempts to address financial ethical concerns
  • Critical thinking errors common to unethical behavior
  • Framework for Ethical Decision-Making
  • American Cultural and Societal views on cheating
  • American norms for exposing cheaters, whistleblowers or other ethical violators

Course Relevance

Advisers who want to explore how ethics and trust coexist in their practice — and how it affects their relationships with their clients — should plan to attend this session.

Insurance Ethics VIRTUAL CLASS

Melissa has reimagined this course for effective online delivery using Mentimenter as a feedback and interaction tool.

Administrative fees (based on the size of your group) are payable to FPA of Greater Phoenix, for their role in filing, verifying and supporting CE Ethics credits for attendees.


Quick Links: Course Outline

Insurance Ethics IN PERSON CLASS

Melissa will travel to your location to present the course.

Administrative fees (based on the size of your group) are payable to FPA of Greater Phoenix, for their role in filing, verifying and supporting CE Ethics credits for attendees.


Quick Links: Course Outline

This is a 4-hour, interactive course.

Ethics credit available when approved in advance by relevant state authority. Currently approved in AZ and MN.

Ethics CE can be dry and bland...

Updated Ethics with Melissa Kemp is Fresh, Rich & Engaging

 Office Hours:
Mon-Thurs: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Fri: closed

C/O Premium Organization
PO Box 4130 Scottsdale AZ 85261

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Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc. owns the certification marks CFP®, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERTM, CFP® (with plaque design) and CFP® (with flame design) in the U.S., which it awards to individuals who successfully complete CFP Board's initial and ongoing certification requirements.